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Hey click the play button above two times to hear music!

    Music genres I like:

    Genres I like

    Hyper pop-

    Pop rock!


Songs I like are:

Songs I like
  • Hanaichi Monme- Zutomaya this is super good, and the Mv is great
  • Neko reset- Zutomaya this is also super good, and a wonderful MV
  • HEARTEATER-six imapala, six imapala is a very good band!
  • Seventyseven dog years- undescores from the album wall socket, such a good album and song, Undescores is very talented artist
  • Bozo Bozo Bozo - underscore from the album fishmonger, also great album and great song,
  • Hum halleluja-Fallout boy from the album Infinity On High, one of my all time favourite songs. Its such a good song.

My spotify profile


Hey I also made this music in this sky:children of light MIDI maker, so here it is-first one.


Hey guys Im trying to find this album!, I cant play it on spotify but Im really curiouse to know what the songs are actually like, its called learning to land by a band by the name of Crash the sattelites.
