About me

Hello,Im N and Im the webmaster of this site! This site was made on January the third 2024. There honestly isnt anything much else to say, I made this site after discovering neocities, I mainly made this site because I was bored and thought it sounded like a cool idea.

I think its fairly obvious what my favourite colour is, and you can know what else I like by looking through this website.My favourite food would be creme brullee and my favourite book is crime and punishment and tales from the inner city.

I quite enjoy big cities, so I tried to model this site around one.Also,I write mediocre poetry, so check that out I guess.

I feel that this site is quite multifaceted, it shows different sides of me in a way.

hope you enjoy the site, sorry for the unsatisfactory about me.

Well, bye

"To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's"


Q and A
