What do you think of spirituality/ghosts 'n all that?
Hmm. I dont believe in ghosts. But I do believe in well a presence so to say. Like something just being wrong with a place, you enter into a house and can just tell that there is something wrong there. Like bad vibes so to say. Thats isnt to say im not open to the idea of ghosts being real, If a friend or someone told me they saw an apprition in there house, I would immediatly tell them to leave. Like im not stupid in my belif that there arent ghosts, if I see something creepy i wil run as fast as I can instead of playing the role of the skeptic. Spirituality and religion.. well I believe there is some presence in the universe, something connecting all of us together. I beleive there is something more then just this. But I dont know what that takes form as.
Do you play pokemon? If so, do you have a favorite one?(´∀`*)
I unfortuantly do not ply pokemon, I will one day thought! I however do have a favourite pokemon, mimikyu!
Whats your next big project?
Nothing to be honest, I plan on making a page to archive all of the geddan videos I find. But i do have a photography project I want do and publish on this website, hwoever I most probobally will not be able to do this project this year. Next year maybe.. In general this year I want to get better at writing poetry