Hollow knight

Hollow knigt is cool metriodvania game made by a game studio called team cherry.

Orginally the idea came from a game made during a gamejam. The game made during the gamejam was called hungry knight.Go check hungry knight out if you want to I think its in new grounds.Team cherry then started to make a new game for another gamejam, the theme of which was deep underground, they missed the deadline for this but sitll worked on the game with an underground setting with it reusing the mainn character from hungry knight .This game was Hollow knight. Team cherry funded Hollow knight from kickstarter in 2014 and released the game in 2017.
I really love hollow knight,. Its about this bug in a kingdom, honestly just go in blind I spoiled the game for myself and still love... but its just its better if u dont know anything about before beginning.
Its just a really lovely game, its so beautiful and dreamlike. Like looking at rain at night.

So uh why do I like the game so much? Well you see I love the
    • - Background
      -the art
      - The music
      - The gameplay
      - The lore

  • I really love the game I just havent finished it yet....Im probobally not going to be able to anytime in the near future as my xbox has died....So thats great.. I mean I have nintendo switch could buy the game there but my literal 190 hours will have been for nothing.
    Well, I guess thats just how it is I suppose, I should have played it.. finished it. But I cant now. Oh well. Welp thats all I guess... I just dont have many words or information to give you aside from whats online, I suppose the only thing Im trying to do here is ask you to just look at the game, and maybe buy it if you can. I can guarantee you will not regret it. - N