What is Fake Documentary Q-(フェイクドキュメンタリーQ) ?

Fake documentary Q is a Japanese youtube channel, which posts short horror videos. These videos are a blend of analog horror, horror mockumentary and other different formats. All of these videos can quite possibly be set in the same universe. I love this series. There is no unnecessary jump scares, horrific gore...just a sense of rising terror as you realise that something is not quite...right. I'm basically going to just write my thoughts on each episode here, will take quite a while but I love this series. Oh also watch this space, I'll hide some easter eggs somewhere here soon. If you guys have any thoughts or theories on these videos dont hesiatate to type them into the guestbook page or the comment box on my about me page.Now without further ado let us dive into the world of Q. Click to continue.

Passengers Passengers link, watch it before reading further!

My favourite one!, its so weird the taxi driver.. the ghosts.. the ghosts being fake.. the ghosts actually being real? the forest actually being a grave yard?? man this was a crazy one and so weird. Theres just something.. so scary about it. Crawls under my skin.

10000/10 my favourite one :)

Take 100 Take 100 link, watch it before reading further!

This was pretty good video, I quite liked how the frames would keep on repeating. It kept me quite nervous throughout constantly scanning each scene so as to check whether there was anything had changed. The figure appearing was quite scary, but tbh a bit underwhelming to be honest? Guess I was expecting something worse. The ensuing scenes however...ughhh nightmare fuel with how the scene lighting constantly became darker and the guy just becoming a shadow. The ending scene with the woman and her head becoming a smudge was just terrifying. I saw a comment on the YouTube video that the ending sound was a phantom 101 scene clip being played.. which is quite an interesting theory.

I think this might be some sort of demon ritual thing going on? It kinda relates to the previous video where the dude goes through the secret ritual and stuff to curse someone through a dead body. I mean there is also a dead body in the background of this film, and a black goo is oozing out similar to the body in that video...

Hmmm; 8/10 it was pretty good.

Hidden link Hidden link, watch before reading furter

I absolutely love this episode, probobally because I have a website myself. Whenever they clicked another link I kept on thinking to myself "Not another link...". While there wasnt anything downright scary about this video, it was quite unsettling. I wonder what was going on with the whole insulting class mates through html comments thing... the forum thing was also pretty creepy.Maybe there is like a group of people tyring to kidnap people from this highschool??. The ending thoughh... 6000 LINKS!! I MEAN WHY WOULD YOU KEEP ON CLICKING AT THIS POINT??- I read on a youtube comment section that it was kind of like they were delviing deeper and deeper into hell one link at a time at the bottom of each black page. The hell link was quite like the other video "inferno", maybe something would happen once they reached the 6660th link? .

10/10 I absolutely adore horror based on a website as it gives me a lot of ideas for my website haha.

OBSCURE OBSCURE LINK, watch before reading furter

I quite like this one. The whole blog premise is really cool, especially since well I also have a webiste. But my god, the lack of cyber security is just -_-. Like my guy, just blacking out the peoples eyes isnt enough privacy! and ur posting this on a public blog??? AND WHY ON EARTH ARE U CONTIUING PUTTING THAT CREEPY FACE ON OTHER PEOPLES PHOTOS??? LIKE WHY? at that point I would run away, burn the entire place down and go to peru or something. I saw a youtube comment which said the lack of security was the true horror and I have to agree. Anyway slight tangent but.. I loves the format of the actual blog itself, Orange robison had a good eye for website design.
Uh anyway what were we talking about again? Oh right the creepy face. So I dont know whats going on to be honest, a youtube comment mentioned the idea that " the ghost is too lazy to haunt the photos so they just outsourced it to a bunch of freelancers" Which while typed in jest is probobally whats going on.. Or the ghost is doing it this way so as to haunt ornage robinson and his boss too?? i dont know, either way moral of the story dont photosphop creepy photos of a women on top of other peoples photos and dont post it online.

7/10.. its not that scary but its kind of weirdly nostalgic? charming in a way? I dont know..

Orange robinson
Mother MOTHER LINK, watch before reading furter

Sooooo hmm this one was disturbing, but not in grotesque way.. just in the creepy manner. While I was watching the video I myself wondered about why the guy didnt call the police, I got that question answered at the end of the video. I actually had the idea that this vdieo may serve as some meta commentary of some kind.. and turns out there was a comment already stating that. I feel this vidoe may also serve as commentary on people obsessed with true crime .. obsessed with somethign disturbing somethign that had actually impacted another persons life. Its also kind of weird that the son found the parcles as his only purpose? what about his son..his family? Jusy so many questions. OH TURNS OUT THERE IS A MERCH DROP!! If possible I will buy myself one of those shirts.

8/10 Great acting, and the premise was quite intresting

Portrait PORTRAIT LINK, watch before reading furter

I foudn this so weird, there are so many unexplained questions which this video brings up. How wad this guy drawing the dead people?hHow did he go missing? Was the guy the actual killer??. Its just strange. Someoe also noted that one of the potraits he drew looked like the jounralist lady..maybe she is next to go missing...

7/10 It was creepy but it didnt really scare me